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Updated: Dec 1, 2023

"Big picture before details" Steve Jobs

The Decline of Motocross at the grassroots level is a subject that's talked about often, but is anybody actively working on fixing it?

I believe there are things that could be done that would help the sport of motocross grow nationwide, some of these things I am shocked are not already being done!

I have some fresh ideas that I believe will help get the sport growing again. 

I have a strategic plan that will bring publicity to the sport with the purpose of introducing new people to the sport. I want to do nationwide promotional campaigns that will showcase the sport of motocross in a relatable way, that makes people that have never ridden before think that looks fun I want to try that!  as opposed to that looks extreme, this is something that is not currently being done, when is the last time you saw any type of nationwide promotion encouraging kids to ride dirt bikes or to race motocross?

Part of the plan is to have live events all throughout the USA that will let the public test ride small easy to ride dirt bikes on a small track.

When people try riding a dirt bike they usually love it! It sells itself.

Mini MX also known as Pit bike racing is organically on the rise, I believe that this is our chance to take the ball and run with it.

More people starting on little bikes will also help grow the sport all together, a rising tide raises all ships, many of them will eventually want to move up to bigger bikes and tracks.

The plan also includes in detail how we can begin a process that will help with creating new natural terrain tracks and riding areas All throughout the USA with the help of motocross enthusiasts nationwide.

It will help in areas were more tracks are needed, and the same plan will also help get more people to the current tracks.

I have the formula however I need help implementing it. Another huge part of that plan is going to be getting the industry on the same page and getting them to work collectively towards the same goals! I believe they will want to get involved because the plan is very easy to understand and people will want to support something that will help the sport grow.

If you want to see motocross grow at the grassroots level this is how it will happen.

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